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Associate Prof. DIAN-JUNG LEE


Associate Prof.DIAN-JUNG LEE


Associate professor

Legal History Research Institute

China University of Political Science and Law

Xitucheng Road 25

Haidian District, 100088





PH.D.The Institute of Qing History, Remin University of China, Beijing, 2008

M.A. Department of History, Peking University, Beijing, 2004

B. A. Department of History, National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan, 2001


Research Interests

Qing History

China Legal History

China Borderland History



Chinese(Native);English (Fluent );Manchu(Reading)


Professional Experience

2008 WinterPresent

Legal History Research Institute, China University of Political Science and Law


Editor, the Committee of National Qing History Codification


Teaching Courses

Manchu Language and Qing Dynasty Archives

Chinese Legal History

Chinese Legal Thoughts


“刑科杨雍建等题本档之发现〔The discovery on Yang Yongjian's Ministry of Punishment Record in Oing〕”,法律史译评Legal History Studiesno.1(Dec. 2018) ,pp201-220.


“清入关前”“问题初探〔The discussion on “Fafun” and “Kooli” of  the Manchu Words.〕”,旧律新诠:《大清律例》国际研讨会论文集The Essays Collection of  “Da Qing Lv Li” International Academic Conferenceno.1(Oct. 2016) ,pp13-35.


“棍徒奴僕與流氓:對清前期旗下人與光棍例發展的推想〔Stickman, Servant, and Hooligan: The Development ofBare StickLegislation and the Influence of Manchu Bondservants in Qing1644-1795)〕”,法制史研究Legal History Reviewno.26(Feb. 2015) ,pp111-144.


“清代檔案視角下的京控制度〔The Procedure of Capital Appeals in Qing Dynasty from Perspective of Archives〕”,法國漢學Sinologie Française XVI(Dec 2014) pp217-240.


“略論清代京師地區司法審判制度-以五城察院與步軍統領衙門為中心〔The Judicial System of Peking Area in Qing Dynasty:focus on Five Supervisory Branch and Manchu Guards〕”.北京史學研究The Peking History Journal〕,no.2(Feb 2014).


“《清史稿·刑法志》史源問題探析》〔An Analysis of the Historical Document of  Criminal Law Record of Qing History Draft〕.清史研究The Qing History Journalno.4(Nov 2012),pp91-103.


滿文與清代司法制度研究—以刑科史書為例〔Xingke Shishu :Manchu Language and Qing Legal History Study”.政法論壇Tribune of Political Science and Lawvol.29,no.3(May 2011),pp121-132.


“對京控的再思考:以清朝湖北災荒案件為例(1724-1850)〔Coexistence of Interest and Grievance :Rethinking Capital from Hubei Famine Cases(1724-1850)〕”.法制史研究Legal History Reviewno.18(Dec 2010) ,pp95-134.


“蒙元的饋遺:試論「燒埋銀」對中華法典的影響〔How Chinese Legal Tradition is influenced by “Shaomaiyin”: the Heritage of the Mongolian Yuan”.中華法系Chinese Legal Systemvol.1(Dec 2010),pp81-107.


“在旗的部族:索倫部與滿洲八旗的融合〔Tribe in the Gūsa: the Integration of Solon Tribe and Manchu Eight Banners”.內蒙古師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版)Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Philosophy & Social Science)vol.39,no.4(Jul 2010) ,pp 49-59.


“被掩蓋的聲音:對一件瘋病京控案的推想〔An Analysis of Qing Judicial Documents from a Madness Capital Appeal”.北大法律評論Peking University Law Reviewvol.10,no.1(Jan 2009) ,pp 45-67.


“穿破浮雲上青霄──論清代叩閽制度〔One Way to the Sky: On the “Kouhun” in Qing Dynasty”.法制史研究Legal Histoy Reviewno.12(Dec 2007) ,pp 213-254.


“由氏族到八旗──看滿洲民族認同中的矛盾現象〔From Clan to Eight Banner: the Inconsistence of Manchu self-identification”.黑龍江民族叢刊Heilongjiang National Seriesno.6(2007) ,pp 111-119.


“編戶下的回民:以清朝丁、杜控案為例〔Du Wen-xiu’s Appeal to Beijing in the Daoguang Reign”.清史研究The Qing History Journalno.2(May 2007) ,pp 39-53.


“清代滿洲認同的幾點問題──以“孤軍”一書為討論中心〔Manchu self-identification and Orphan Warriors”.清史譯叢Qing History Overseas Researchn0.6(Jan 2007) ,pp 231-253.



“清代索倫部與滿洲互動關係之研究〔The Interaction between Solon Tribe and Manchu”.M.A. Dissertation, Department of History, Peking University, 2004.


“清朝京控制度研究〔Capital Appeals in Qing Dynasty”, Doctoral Dissertation, The Institute of Qing History, Remin University of China,2008.



清朝京控制度研究Capital Appeals in Qing Dynasty,published by Shanghai Guji Press(Jun 2011).


   Awards & Scholarships

2009----Doctoral Dissertation “Capital Appeals in Qing Dynasty” awarded as the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Beijing Municipal City

Research Project


“Capital Appeals in Qing and the Management of the Social Crisis”, the research was granted by the National Social Science Fund of China.



“Peng Cheng Project”, the research was granted by Da Peng New Distict of Shenzhen City.



“Jianzhou Form”, the research was granted by the National Committee of Qing Dynasty History.


版权所有:中国政法大学法律史学研究院    海淀校区:北京市海淀区西土城路25号  邮编:100088    | 学术链接